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King of Hill Spectator Drags Explanation

For those wondering what exactly a "King of the Hill Spectator Drags" are. Here is an explanation on how our variation will work.

When you arrive to the track, whether on the Main Grandstand or Pit side entrances, let the lovely ladies in the ticket booth know that you intend on competing in King of The Hill. They will have a sheet for you to fill out your name, car information, as well as an additional waiver. Our announcers will let you know when it is time to head to the parking lot and grab your ride. At this point you will drive your vehicle through the pit side entrance and be greeted by Brad. He will verify that your car is:


-Has Insurance

-Has a License Plate

-That you are wearing a helmet and seatbelt

You will be paired against a random competitor, you will both line up at the Start/Finish line. We will throw the green flag, from a standing start, you will race back around to the Start/Finish line, winner moves on and the loser will be eliminated until we are down to the final pair.

The winner of the final race will get the first surfboard handed out for 2024! To go along with bragging rights, until July 6th of course.

We hope this clears up any questions you may have. IF there is anything we didn't cover and you have questions, message us here. OR reach out to Brad (


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